More and more people are browsing the internet everyday, searching for photos or images they can use for whatever purpose they have in mind. Published photos online without any security at all are prone to theft or hacking activities. Although putting a watermark to one's photos may not eradicate stealing, it may prevent it nevertheless. Making a watermark is so simple and easy with this tutorial. In less than 5 minutes, you'll be able to create a cool-looking transparent text which can be used as your watermark.
- Open your photo Open your photo or any image in Photoshop that you want to put a watermark into it. For this tutorial, we'll use the tulips photo from Windows sample pictures.
- Choosing and Making Your Watermark Choose the font and type the text you want, if you prefer it to be a text. You can also use a logo or sketch. This will serve as your watermark. In this tutorial, we'll use the text, font Impact. I use this font (e.g., Impact) for this purpose because it is bold and clearly visible even with the transparency effect.
- Applying Layer Style A watermark should look less visible than the photo itself so as not to be the center of focus. Usually, most photographers and graphic artists put their watermark below the photo - right or left part. Some though put it on the center, and others put it everywhere filling the whole picture. It's up to one's preferences actually. Whatever it is, I found it more interesting to make a transparent watermark for any photo. Here's how to do it...
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